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Accessible Design for Online Language Learning

University of Granada – Spain - (Project coordinator) - Click to read more

The University of Granada is a classical public university with around 60,000 students, 3,600 lecturers, 1,900 administrative and support staff. The UGR (founded in 1531) is committed not only to quality and excellence in teaching and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge, the betterment of society and a sustainable environment. The UGR is fully committed to internationalization. It designed and implemented for this purpose a specific plan providing complementary financial support for internationalization activities carried out by its academic community. About 4,800 international students are either enrolled in graduate and postgraduate programmes or carry out short stays as exchange students for one or two semesters. The UGR is particularly active and successful in mobility and exchange programmes such as LLP-Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus. For years, the UGR can be found among the first European universities in number of send and received Erasmus students.

The UGR is also very experienced in EU funded projects and activities. It coordinates or participates in a vast number of international projects that are mostly financed through different EU programmes such as Tempus, Alfa, LLP, Interreg, etc… The UGR is involved in the Erasmus Mundus programme from the very beginning and its experience and know-how have become a reference on a global scale.

AcrossLimits Limited - Malta - Click to read more

AcrossLimits is a dynamic SME and creative solutions and consultancy provider based in Malta. It provides various services relating to Information Technology focusing mostly on creating solutions for small and medium sized enterprises. It is also actively involved in the research and creation of innovative solutions for eLearning and eHealth domains, as well as being experts in the configuration and programming of crossplatform systems. AcrossLimits is also very active on the European programmes front. It is currently participating in different research related EU funded projects related to diverse areas of interest including ICT technologies for lifelong learning, environmental monitoring, B2B banking services, telecare, eGovernment. science popularisation and digital culture.


The Marathon Group - Ireland - Click to read more

We call ourselves architects of knowledge who provide integrated e-learning technology, content and implementation solutions mainly for mobile learning devices.

We have broad experience developing international projects in a range of languages, for a range of student categories and using a range of learning methodologies. For our English as a Foreign Language (EFL) projects the focus is on understanding the dynamics of learning English, and other languages, in an environment where English is not part of the local culture. Our experience over the last 25 years has made us aware of the difficulties involved in second language acquisition and has allowed us to mold our solutions (both technical and pedagogical) for students who don’t have the opportunity to speak English outside their learning environment.

The diversity of nationalities on our teams as well as the breadth of our client base means that we have a deep understanding of a many cultures. Our previous and current clients comprise companies all over the world including EU projects, Berlitz, Disney, Macmillan, Positivo (Brazil) and Deagostini (Italy), Kaplan and Laureate ( US).

A development process focused on efficiency and modularity: Our product development process is tightly focused on achieving our clients’ short- and long-term goals. We invest our energy in planning and designing activities that accommodate the challenges of approaching new markets. To save time and money, we plan a full-fledged project that includes the following: a comprehensive curriculum, Scope and Sequence, graphic design, functional design, human interface and usability design, evaluation tools, and any required rich-media. We develop a series of wire frames, storyboards and sample unit prototypes; and only then do we plan, design and produce the core course. Once it is implemented in a specific setting we develop additional components that fulfill the project requirements.

Delivery across multiple media and multiple platforms: We have the knowledge to build solutions that employ a number of methodologies and platforms to provide innovative solutions for practice such as I phones, I pads, whiteboard I pods interactive DVDs.

SCORM compliance and RAT: To maximize sales opportunities and ensure that courses are able to be integrated in a variety of LMS platforms, compatibility with the SCORM international content management standards is essential.

RAT (Rapid Authoring Tool) Although language acquisition involves highly abstract knowledge, we have developed a system with proprietary authoring tools to develop products that meet the SCORM standards.

Our Assets We have created our own RAT/ LMS/CLMS. The LMS/CLMSsupports unlimited amount of learners and content and was design to suit the simple needs of teachers to use, create and download materials. It was structured especially for language learners and can be adapted or customized according to the users needs.

The RAT is designed for writers of digital content and will be used in the ADOLL project.

Universal Learning Systems Ireland - Click to read more

Universal Learning Systems is an international consultancy firm specializing in research, education, training and project management. ULS undertakes projects for a number of clients in the educational, development and management sectors. Based in Ireland, ULS also has offices in Prague, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Helsinki and Chicago. The ULS focus is on professional development with a particular emphasis on work-based learning. ULS works in Ireland, Europe and the United States with a wide range of clients: these include universities, open learning institutions, schools, employers and community associations. It has particular expertise in learning around transformative education, e-learning, diversity, interculturalism, immigration, conflict resolution and strategic management. ULS has extensive experience of promotion of educational and learning innovation. It works closely with community stakeholders, adult education and employer networks. ULS has particular experience with post-graduate distance learning initiatives in change management and sustainable professional development. It is centrally involved in work based learning initiatives to promote employee growth and competence. ULS focuses on pro-active strategic planning for innovative learning and is actively involved in a wide range of evaluation projects.

ULS has particular expertise in research, project management and innovative initiatives on migration, intercultural training and conflict transformation – with a strong track record of program development in Kosovo, Euzkadi, Bosnia, Catalonia, Romania and Northern Ireland. ULS has also undertaken significant educational and training projects on fundamental rights and diversity management. ULS is Academic Adviser to the Conflicts of Interest program delivered by Expac in Northern Ireland and delivers the new Future Resolutions program developed by Expac and validated by Queens University Belfast. ULS is a member of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research in Cyprus. It has designed and delivered conflict transformation training (including mediation skills) to client agencies throughout Northern Ireland and the Border Counties of the Republic. In 2014 ULS concluded an academic convention and agreement with UOC, the Open University of Catalonia, in Barcelona for shared development of conflict resolution courses in the Campus for Peace and for joint postgraduate program development.

ULS is a long-standing member of the European Distance and E-Learning Network, the Irish Institute of Training and Development, the National Council for Rehabilitation Education and the Council on Rehabilitation Education. ULS is also a member of ICDE – the International Council for Distance Education. ULS is centrally involved in innovative educational development, transformational school systems and enhanced use of ICT in schools and is National Coordinator for the EU Open Discovery Space program in Ireland.


Studio Profectus - Bulgaria - Click to read more

Studio Profectus is a research and training centre focused on a variety of areas, such as formal and non-formal education, vocational training and special education needs. The organisation collaborates with universities and various education establishments in the country and abroad. We work at the intersection of such fields, as education and disability, interculturality and communication, research and innovation.

One of the primary focuses of Studio Profectus is research in the field of special education needs of people with visual impairments and elaboration of learning and teaching tools, in particular, in the area of language teaching.

The team of Studio Profectus consists of experts in various fields of education and research with a wide range of expertise. We have been involved in a number of EU-funded projects as consultants, coordinators, developers and evaluators.

Foundation Fund for Social Inclusion - Bulgaria - Click to read more

FFIS is a non-profit and non-governmental organization in common use. The mission of the of the FFIS is:

  • to support efforts of all the citizens with visual impairments and other disabilities focused in Bulgaria in the process of their social inclusion;
  • to carry out an effective vocational guidance and training of the visually impaired and other people with disabilities;
  • to gather up and stimulate new ideas to increase the sensibility of the labour market to the special needs people with visual impairments and other disabilities, especially to the needs of young disabled people.

To achieve its goals the Foundation Fund for Social Inclusion performs the following activities:

  • organising of continuous consultations with various national bodies and organizations for/of people with disabilities;
  • implementation of training courses for people with disabilities aiming at the acquisition of additional vocational skills and competences;
  • organization of seminars and conferences to raise public awareness and acquaint potential employers with capabilities of visually impaired people as well as people with other disabilities;
  • development of new appropriate programs and products to support social inclusion of people with disabilities in partnership with national and international organizations.


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